
Somwang A Chan ( The Best of MuayThai Master In Bangkok)

Somwang A Chan born in year 1955. when in year 1967, he was 12 years old, he started learned "The Art of Thailand"- MuayThai. And after he trained in 3 months. He already started fight in the staged. In the year 1980, he became the muaythai champion in Lumpiness stadium( The Famous Muaythai Stadium in Thailand). His fight recorded was about 400 rounds in Thailand. He ended his fight's life in the year 1987, about 20 years. Now he bacame a famous muaythai master in Thailand, and he also had a certificate given by the Thailand King. Now, this famous muaythai master is coming Johor Bahru and teach his skills of muaythai. Those who would like to learn the real muaythai can contact: 016- 758 9709/ 019 755 0610

Somwang A Chan 出生于1955年。1967年,他开始接触泰拳,并在那个时候他开始了他的擂台生涯,一打就20年。直到1980年,他成功得到了他的金腰带,成为当时当地最著名泰拳体育馆(Lumpiness stadium)的泰拳拳王。他的擂台生涯中,经历过将近400场的格斗。就在1987年,他结束了他的泰拳格斗生涯。如今很荣幸地,他将来到柔佛新山教导他的泰拳格斗术,想亲眼目睹他的风采吗?请联络:016-7589709/ 019-7550610